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Old 29-08-2013, 10:47 AM
WhiteLion WhiteLion is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: U.k
Posts: 56
The seven dimensions of existence continuously for want of a better word interact with each other. The brain being ultimately a holographic projection of our ultimate spiritual reality & formed on the etheric blueprint contained within the etheric body.

A question I have always grappled with is how do we see ie in which area of our body are we viewing what we see? We know the eyes let light in of the images we view outside of our self, but they only transmit the light frequency's into sensory data which is then received by the brain so then the question looms at where in the body is this outside image replicated? the brain is but a mass of nervous tissue and has no screen in which the image can be displayed.

The more One plays with this question the more evident that it becomes that the images we outwardly see are already contained within and that they have no real solid separate existence but are already a part of us that is projected in a holographic way.

In Dreams we perceive visual images and hear sounds, all of our senses are seemingly at work but with what eyes do we see with when they are shut? how are we viewing our dreams & how are we hearing in our dreams?

As we Step up through the dimensions from the physical through the etheric to the Astral which is a dimension of consciousness beyond the physical and is sometimes also referred to as the emotional body, the frequency of the dimension also increases. For me the astral substance has a particular quality and texture that 'appears' differently to that of physical substance and texture and comes across as the building blocks of dream imagery though again as in our physical these are only projections of the 'mind' and what's held within the sub-consciousness.

For those who lucid dream they would recognise that they are awake in this place and can alter the dream state accordingly & through intention can master their emotions and choose where to invest their creative power ie in fear based imagery or imagery that reflects the joy in ones heart..... And it is also within this dimension like will also attract like the more you invest in fear the more fear based scenarios you will attract to you and the more this will replicate in your physical existence attracting those fear based scenarios to play out in your life by either attracting certain people or situations to you. Its actually a natural law. The converse is also true Joy attracts more Joy!!! :)

Our night time dreams then seem for the most part to be manifestations in the Astral and our daytime dreams manifest in the physical which is just a step down into a 'seemingly' denser reality.

Just a few more ideas to add to the mix :)

Love is the Gift that keeps on Giving ~~~
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