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Old 29-08-2013, 01:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Neville
Do you believe that consciousness leaves the physical body when we dream and that dreams take place in alternate realities and environments to where your consciousnesses has been projected/transported?

Or alternatively , Do dreams take place inside the brain as it rests?

The reason I ask this question , is because some dreams are precognitive and in these dreams would appear to call into question the laws of time and space as we in the physical world would consider them.

I also ask this question because of the incredibly tangible nature of dream environments. Dream environments that seem to be quiet distant in years and proximity to the head laying on the pillow that is slumbering.

I'd like to know what you think about the nature of Dreams as a sanity check for myself and also to explore this little understood phenomena that seems to affect most of us.

I believe that there are different kinds of dreams--some brought on by situations in life that need to be addressed and worked through--then sometimes our Spirits go traveling in search of people, places, things, and answers--then their are times when we do battle--and times when we receive messages.

When I was a child my step-father's ex came over to our house at night with their 3 children--a girl and two boys--all teenagers--I was 10.

The adults needed to talk (privately) and we were sent outside to play. I was beside myself with excitement--we were never allowed to be out after dark.

We began to play a game of tag--then I fell on my back and looked up at the stars and realized that I had been here before. I had met them--knew what they looked like--what they would be wearing--and had watched us all playing the game up until the moment I fell on the ground and looked up at those stars.

I have had many different kinds of epiphanies concerning visions and dreams and it is my humble opinion that they take place on the Astral Plane.

I have even been allowed to see past lives--when in this place--and after many years of practice can visit this place even when I am awake. However--I would caution that it is not all bunnies and rainbows.

Peace and Love on your path along the Astral Plane...

Blessed be...
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