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Old 03-08-2013, 06:19 AM
Amilius777 Amilius777 is offline
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Everyone has their opinion. Might as well give mine.

I have dwelt on this subject far more than anyone else on this thread- or perhaps I have since I was 8 years old.

From my everyday prayers, meditation, and contemplation I have come to these conclusions:

Jesus was both divine and human. In Genesis the soul is inherently divine. "Made both human and divine". Jesus is called Son of Man, Son of God, and God the Logos. Jesus the earthly Man was the chosen one because he is human being who "got it right" and was given the task to become the Christ. He embodied the divine and human natures in a unique unity.

The divine nature of Jesus comes from the Logos which is the Part of God that created everything, but is also God. The Logos is also the Inner Christ, the Christos, the Christ-consciousness etc that is within all human beings as in Genesis- "And God created Adam in the divine image".

In Jesus both the Logos or Christ-consciousness (divine nature) and the human soul (human nature) were united. This is the union of the Logos or Word of God and the Son of Man in one individual. The conclusion? The Son of God.

Once you get to John's Gospel you get the other mixture. You see in Mark you just get "Son of Man" and in Matthew and Luke you just have Son of God. It is in John's Gospel of the Logos or Word of God which is the Eternal Christ you put it all together.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God- because of the unity of God (divine nature/Logos/Christ Spirit) and Man (human nature/Son of Man) within his soul.

And this divine-human unity is the Son of God, the Christ.
Faith is the Substance of things Hoped For!
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