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Old 06-07-2013, 07:43 AM
umbridge umbridge is offline
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Originally Posted by Tobi
I think we may be given clues in the things we were very interested in as extremely young children...especially if those things had no connection with anything around you, such as parents' interests, or life circumstances, etc
Or sometimes -the things we were really good at, which no-one else in the family could understand.
Another set of clues can come from dreams we had when very very young children. Perhaps up to the age of 5. If they are remembered.
Sometimes we also get glimpses of the spirit-world this way too. The place we were in only a short time before. (if time has anything to do with anything)

Tap your earliest memories. The earlier the better, and see what comes up. These may not be coherent, they may come in glimpses, and not seem to fit together in any logical way. But there is truth in them.

wow, you are so right!
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