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Old 08-06-2013, 04:10 PM
Posts: n/a
This is a wonderful question Mystik, thanks for bringing it up. I can only speak of my own personal approach FWIW. To be conscious for me is to understand what is important to my life as much as is humanly possible. If I can do that then my decisions and actions can be made consciously.

Put another way, if I know where I am going, and I know where I am, then I can choose to go wherever I want. Under those conditions I can remain fully aware that the path I'm taking may lead to my destination, or may not. When I make choices that do not lead to my destination then I won't fool myself if I end up somewhere I don't like. It's a conscious decision.

To be unconscious is to be lost, making decisions before getting one's bearings and repeatedly ending up in some strange places always wondering why we are the victim left sucking on a cockroach.

As for community, when we are around other conscious people our heart is touched and strengthened. It's not that we learn something new, but we remember what it feels like to get back in touch with our humanity and it's easier to remain conscious. Jesus was pretty savvy to say (supposedly said) "when 2 or more of you are gathered in my name, I will be there" (by the way I'm not a Christian. Just love the saying.)
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