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Old 13-05-2013, 06:35 AM
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Lightbulb ~The Essence of Advaita Vedanta~

The Essence of Advaita is about appreciation--Self-appreciation--perceiving this same Self, this same Universal Atma, in all.

Be Very Aware of Not Just Your Thoughts, But Also Your Actions!

Going on a "smear campaign" to make your brothers and sisters look bad is the mark of a very low consciousness, not that of a highly spiritually-aware being. For example, trying to show "proof" that someone is "evil" by providing links to attack-based YouTube videos, and obsessing over such a pursuit, is not the behavior of a spiritually-awakened individual.

The Essence of Non-dual Awareness is about appreciating Oneness, not about placing black-and-white labels upon people and groups, for example, ignorantly stating "Religious people are like this... Conservatives are like that..." Etc., etc. That is the mindset of a fearful child, and is not the mark of a truly Self-confident adult who spends the majority of his/her forum time in appreciating That which we all share in common, which is our True Divine Nature.

Transcending Jealousy

Even those here that believe so strongly in their definitions and labels are actually spiritually-mature beings at their Inner Core, but because of low self-esteem they are largely blind to their own actions. JEALOUSY plays a very major part in why many people feel a need to make someone look bad, whether it is Michael Jackson one is attacking or Jesus or Sathya Sai Baba. Humans are generally obsessed with attention-seeking (and I write this now with a very clear awareness that even this human personality seeks loving attention), and when they see that someone has millions of self-proclaimed "fans," "followers" or "devotees," it is very common for deep feelings of jealousy to manifest in those who feel that they themselves are not so popular (even many of those who are "followers" hold such jealousy). Surrender such foolishness to your Higher Self.

Non-dual Awareness is Essentially the "Background" of All Activity

Be more aware of your actions through being more aware of how you FEEL. Emotional awareness is extremely vital to spiritual maturity. For example, if need be, let go of the childish "need" to show others how someone else is not "smart." That is a very low-level attitude that needs to be healed. Again, that is not the mark of true intelligence. Basing your opinions of someone largely through what various worldly sources or "scriptures" say is not reliable evidence, but basing your beliefs more upon what you and the other share in common IS very wise and fruitful. Become more aware of the Eternal Background of what your your limited senses interpret as your "reality," through sensitizing yourself to the Oneness that is the Divine Truth beyond all illusory activities. Of course there is nothing wrong with "worldly activity," but realize that there actually is no external world at all, for EVERYTHING is a manifestation that is Self-contained within Infinite Consciousness.

All Learning Comes Full-Circle to Appreciation!

All experience, human or otherwise, comes full-circle back to the recognition of the Eternal Self, the awareness of Divine Appreciation. You can spout "historical facts" about religion, politics and/or various figures all you want, until a time comes when you become so tired of this egoic game of "being right," of presenting yourself as an "authority" on any subject(s) of your choosing. There is no--and there never was any--worldly "authority" on God or anything. Not even Jesus, Sai Baba nor any perceived "avatar" in human form or any form is a True Authority. There is but One Infinite Divine Author, and even though this is your/our True Self, this does not mean that the perceived human personality, the human ego, is any kind of "authority." Yes, in one sense it has authorship in terms of making decisions, but even this is ultimately seen to be an illusion, a delusion of the mind, for True Authorship belongs to Consciousness Itself, which is One and Universal, even when there appears to be physical manifestation of Consciousness.

No One is Stupid, and No One Can Escape Learning Appreciation

No one can escape the Fact of Self-Appreciation, which is a Universal Lesson. Your own actions reflect your state of consciousness. Are most of your posts or words about "the past" (which includes most of what the majority of people perceive as "the present," which is not the Eternal NOW), and are you focused largely on pointing out how un-smart Jesus was, for example, and other such nonsense, or are you focused more on the true COMMONALITIES of Spirit that we all share? Remember, no one is "stupid," although one's beliefs may certainly reflect an attitude of stupidity, which is an attitude of promoting separation and fear instead of Oneness and Love. Separation IS fear ("false evidence appearing real" to the senses), just as Oneness IS Love.

Do Not Believe So Strongly In Your Own Ego's Ideas!

Be willing to DROP your labels of "who" and "what" you think you are. This does not mean that you must abandon using human language (which, of course, uses labels, for words ARE labels), but IT DOES mean perceiving clearly beyond the usage of such language. Quite often, most humans are not very much aware of what they think, say, write, do and post. Even if you choose to "point out" someone's perceived arrogance, at least do so with a deep, present-moment awareness that you are choosing this action, for this is much more empowering than mostly "unconsciously" pointing out such things, which is how most do it--quite "unconsciously." This is not a negative generalization about humanity, for it is not seen here that there is anything inherently "wrong" about such behavior. Remember, no being is actually "stupid." No one! It simply "is" something that must eventually be clearly addressed within oneself as one becomes ever more clear about their own internal "blockages" (beliefs) to the Clear Light of Divine Awareness.

The Essence of Pure Non-dual Awareness is not something that "I" can personally "teach" or "know," nor even actually "learn," but what CAN be learned is how to ALIGN ONESELF with Source, which is the same thing as realizing that you can only actually have allegiance to One Eternal Master, and that Master is God Itself.

The Clear Light, the Pure Essence, is revealed in silence. No worldly learning can authoritatively teach It, although such learning may indeed prepare (pre-pave) your mind for accepting It.

"Focus MORE on appreciation, Sourcerer and all," sayeth the Divine Inner Being.
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