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Old 09-04-2013, 06:00 PM
Amilius777 Amilius777 is offline
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Read the Book of Enoch and some Edgar Cayce material.

Angels do not necessarily "fall".

What happened was that a group of angels with a mission to guide early humanity fell from grace.

A group called the "Watchers" or "Grigori"- can't remember the names, incarnated among men. These incarnate angels are seen in hieroglyphics, old paintings, and ancient art. Some were probably even extraterrestrials from other systems.

These angelic beings incarnate became seduced by materiality and selfishness.

The story of Sauron in Lord of the Rings is the best metaphor. Sauron was an angelic 'Maiar", an angel from Valinor. He came to guide Middle-earth but instead he became corrupt by power and evil in the physical realm. He did unspeakable things, make a Ring to rule over others, and then lost the ability to incarnate as a corporal form. Now Sauron wanders Middle-Earth as a ghost of his former self in the abyss.

These dark angels or "demons" are wandering the Earth plane going to and fro from this realm to their darker realms they have created for themselves out of their deviant consciousnesses.

These type of spirits are rare. But they seem abundant when it comes to many Paranormal cases.
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