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Old 05-04-2013, 02:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Chakra colors...?

Hi all!! I'm new here, but I've been reading some of the threads here unregistered so I'm not THAT unfamiliar with the place :)

Anyway...I have a question.
Yesterday morning, I was standing in the mirror, primming myself up before I left, when I noticed, for lack of a better word, the vented of my abdomen GLOWING with an indigo light.

A little background:
I had my full "awakening" start a little less than two years ago. I've had all the odd symptoms, the dark night of the soul, etc. And I've been studying about my "self" since then.
This sort of threw me for a loop, and after asking a friend who was knowledgeable of these sorts of things also, seeing even her confusion, the oddity that this is has been confirmed...

WHY is there a indigo light shining from my there instead of from the third eye?
And what could this mean??

Any and all thoughts are welcome and appreciated:)
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