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Old 20-02-2013, 06:11 PM
Posts: n/a
The Zenergy Chakra Chime arrived this morning. It has one tone for each of the 7 Chakras. It's made in the same style as my A 440 chime. It comes with one semiprecious gemstone to correspond to each chakra. It has Hematite, Tiger's Eye, Yellow Jade, Rose Quartz, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, and Amethyst. There's a little round hollow in the wood above each chime where you can insert the corresponding gemstone.

I have seen numerous websites that state the tones for the Chakras are, from Root through Crown, C-D-E-F-G-A-B. However, that is a Western Hemisphere system. The original list of tones, in the book I read long ago (and was published in the 1980s or 90s, gave an entirely different list. That makes sense, since other cultures use different musical scales and tones, and Chakras certainly are not an idea that originated in the West.

Anyway, here are the specs of the chimes. I want to post the actual website where I'm getting this info from, but it's got an item for sale on the page, and I know we can't post sales links here.
Table of Frequencies and Stones

Chakra, Frequency, Stone
Muladhara, Base, G -16¢/3107 Hz Hematite

Svadhisthana, Sacral, Ab +32¢/3367 Hz Tiger's Eye

Manipura, Solar Plexus. B +38¢/2020 Hz Yellow Jade

Anahata, Heart Chakra, C# -31¢/2178 Hz Rose Quartz

Vishuddha, Throat, C# +33¢/2260 Hz Turquoise

(Likes2Read's comment: these last two pitches are slightly different from one another, but they both fall into the C# range. I don't think this effect can be duplicated on, say, a piano, whc will only give ONE tone for C#)

Ajna, Third Eye, A +10¢/3540 Hz Lapis

Sahasrara, Crown, F -26¢/2753 Hz Amethyst

Frequencies are noted in common musical scale note, intervals in Cents, and Hertz.

Listen to the Chimes here, moving from Root up to Crown:

Last edited by Likes2Read : 20-02-2013 at 09:35 PM.
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