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Old 14-01-2013, 11:45 AM
mysterynomore mysterynomore is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 59
I'll talk about the quakes the earth experiences.
Energy gets realised in there stress points as we know and we experience quakes.

Because of our energy that exists around our earth at this point were experiencing more...but are we.

Quakes can be induced by certain devices as we know...
So if devices can cause quakes...they can also stop them from occuring.

I'll throw another scenario up....why does the earth experience less hits from large objects from space?

We seem to be immune to some point...smaller ones do happen and I know in the past were experienced bigger hits.

These are minimal in the scheme of things compared to other bodies in our system.

The earth seems to protect it self to some point from experiencing larger hits.

In our past...some of the sacred sites acted as shields to larger objects hitting our planet.

There were devices that were put in place to shield the earth from experiencing a total doom scenario.

Think about the tulsa explosion over siberia...if it was a large asteriod or meteor as some suspect...why did it blow up before it hit the earth.

Could there be devices that were put in place to counter any doom on a large scale?
there are lots of accounts of people seeing objects shooting up into the sky from our earth just before the explosion.

Remember one thing...don't under estimate how far advanced the ancients were. We talk about how advanced an alien would be in comparision to humanity with there technology.

What if we were just as advanced as that scenario and we didn't realise it...
Don't discount anything...there is more out there than we are privy to at this moment.
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