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Old 27-12-2012, 01:33 AM
Deusdrum Deusdrum is offline
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I agree about some dubstep, to me it has a sucking or dragging down effect.

One style i like for good vibes is mellow downtempo eletronica. Stuff that is light yet helps to stimulate a meditated state of mind.

I also really enjoy the right kind of drum n bass, but in smaller doses typically. Listened to my entire Utah Jazz playlist one day at work and it almost literally kept my energy up all day and kept me going, very energizing and uplifting for me.

I tend to go on a song by song basis. Some groups or artists/musicians have a more positive feel than others in general though i find. I think one's musical tastes are a reflection of their inner state or mind or energy to some degree.

Also find that i will change my listening habits depending on my mood. But also when just listening on shuffle to random songs pop up, their is a definite effect i notice it has on my mood at times.

One time a friend and i were at work and the radio was playing sappy unrequited love songs all day, then finally i said "enough! I can't take it anymore!" and shut off the radio. My friend commented to me how he only realized how it effected his mood once i turned it off, because he was thinking of sad romantic things the entire day up to that point for no real reason. His words not mine also, (paraphrased) but that was sort of illuminating to me.

I think the power of sound may be capable of amazing things. You have the theories of harmonics used for the building of monoliths, which may of course be completely untrue, but still i think sound can be powerful in terms of healing, raising vibrations and things of that nature. Not that i have much of a handle on how exactly could it be used in such an optimal manner.

I do know how much i love music though, and that is a lot.

Peace. ~
What are the stars, but points in the body of God where we insert the healing needles of our terror and longing? - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
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