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Old 25-12-2012, 08:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Cool topic

I used to create electronic music, though other genres that these, and have become increasingly sensitive to the effects of music.

IMO basslines and drum based music goes directly to the heart, and entrains the heart-emotional body.
It's emotional (and in that sense one might say "low" I guess, yet great for dancing, where one fully expresses, releases the energy)

Yet Amer indian, Tibetian, African music uses loud drums for sacred ceremony-dance, though the intent, rhythm seems different, and emotion is channeled in worship-celebration. Yet all music is celebration of one sort,,, so who can say.

Everyone is wired differently, and what energizes one may emotionally disturb.distress another.

Basslines coming from a car or neighbor jar my entire being, and entrains my emotions, not in a good way. And aggressive rap is such an example.

For me , devotional music is the highest vibe,
Be it sacred choral music, some Hindu/Buddhist sacred chants or Tibetian/Amer Indian flute music. I love this for meditation, or just before,
Much ambient music feels similar, but electronic sounds don't feel quite as nurturing as organic acoustic instruments or human voices, to me, these days.
But the mood,more than instrumentation is key.

I used to create lots of electronic space/ambient music, as well a some classical.jazz/pop flavored tracks.

Lately I have real trouble listening to classical (radio) music, as it's very emotional, too dramatic, and disturbs a peaceful mood. But that's just me.
Even pop music I'd loved, feels that way ,,,, Madonna, Gaga, others, unless I'm working out and need the stimulation,

Protection.... good luck with that... other than good earplugs or yogic practices

I've found doing a short chant-aum, almost instantly centers ,aligns , raises me... at home when I need a quick tune up
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