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Old 17-09-2012, 10:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Whenever hearing or reading accounts of people being cursed, I tend to think of the victim and what prompted such a malicious act. One would suppose a successful removal involves knowing who sent this curse, hex, or cast a bad spell, and the motive. Unless I’ve overlooked something, no one raised a question concerning who, when and why.

If I may ask, Bright Spark, who was it who cursed or hexed you and why do you suppose he, she or they did such ?

Taking an attitude that one particular practice is efficient enough to remove any unknown curse sometimes sadly ends in tragedy not only for the victim, but also for his or her relations as well. Over confident, under qualified people and their short sighted attempts at removal which more than often fail miserably. I’ve seen it happen before.

People are victimized in this matter for different reasons which include, envy, jealousy, revenge and a play for power. Sometimes such ill craft is applied by a practitioner to impose his or her will upon another.

I’ve heard of long conflicts between groups of practitioners that have lasted for thousands of years. Of course much of what’s involved during these terrible conflicts are far removed from the curses, hexes and removal procedures of the Europeans, be they Christian or Pagan.

I know in the traditions of many American Indian tribes, one objective is to take out an enemy practitioner. That requires another practitioner’s assistance as well as that of the warriors. Practitioners of both tribes will not hesitate to apply their ill crafts upon each other and their people as well. Tribal life is for the most part communal so everyone is involved which allows not for innocent casualties. Those practitioners who harm their own people are usually killed outright.
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