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Old 16-09-2012, 01:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by norseman
Magic, curses, hexing, spells of any sort are all basically the same - the manipulation and channeling of natural Earth energies by the focused Will and Direction of the adept. Denial, with the same force/power behind it, will halt any curse, etc. In fact, if sufficient power/control is put into the Denial, it can be reversed back to the sender. This duality was a long established function of the Cunning Folk. Denial in this sense is a "spell" in itself.

Seems logical, but I have to think of the various local practices and spirits associated with different geographical locations.

One key is not going to open every lock, but every lock has a key that will open it. Every path goes somewhere, but do they all go to the same place ? Is the knowledge and known spirits of say, an Arapaho medicine person the same as say a British Witch ? Would that Arapaho medicine person be at a disadvantage, say upon a English moor, or would that British Witch be at a disadvantage in the Colorado Rockies ?
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