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Old 05-11-2010, 09:30 PM
Perry J Perry J is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Sweden
Posts: 253
Anything that makes me see that I AM reality, is my favorite version of reality. No teaching covers the whole reality. But each one of all teachings may have some signs, some arrows pointing me further. A central idea is the Looking at myself . Every religion has their version of Jesus' word: See the beam in your own eye. And every teacher living today (Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Byron Katie, Kim Michaels, Jed McKenna, John Sherman...), all have as their most central message: Look at YOU. Even Rumi, the Sufi poet (Islam!). It's all about looking, and the looking does the job. No, it is not about selfishness. You realize that that what sees, is Reality...

Reality is to be experienced. Reality is not about believing in a description of reality.

Here is John Sherman. Listen to him, and realize that the only thing he says is Look at yourself.
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