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Old 16-08-2012, 10:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Not only do I hold her in my heart, but have good thoughts concerning others who have love for her as well.

In our traditional beliefs she is Kokumthena, the grandmother spirit who not only created people, but prepare the world for us to co-exist in balance with. She is also the mother of all mother spirits and created giant cannibal boy spirits as well. She use to live on earth, but now lives with a grandson and a dog in between this world and Manedowikoiki. Sometimes she attends bread dances and sings with the women. She and all the mother spirits are very important to us. We should never put ourselves above her or any other spirit. Having created us she is all knowing of our affairs and has no need to ask us questions regarding such. She doesn’t request that we live in balance, it is expected of us. She doesn’t test us either. The grandmother or mother is mysterious, unpredictable, but never does she contradict herself or lie. She lives in balance with the grandfather and all other spirits.

White Warrior, as you already probably know there are many people all over this world who not only sense the mother, but have great love and reverence for her as well, no matter how she communicates and appears to them as individuals. Mother Earth, Mother Goddess, Mother Nature, Fertility Mother and Grand Mother, a powerful spirit, here long before humankind and will remain if humankind snuffs itself out. Humans can hurt the earth, but they can neither hurt the mother or heal her. They can only hurt themselves by being ungrateful for what she has bestowed upon them, their creation and a wonderful place which they should be living in balance with. Humans should be more concerned about healing themselves and getting back in balance with nature.

Perhaps a good start would be to dismiss the belief that man was put here to have dominion over the mother, or as it has been written - ‘Be good stewards of the earth’

How unbalanced is that ?

We should only be a part of nature, blessed by our own creation and extremely grateful of what she has provided for us.

Not attempting to respond to your account in bad way, just offering another concept of the good mother.
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