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Old 16-08-2012, 10:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
I was just given a message through a medium, from... a spirit who claimed to be Mother Earth. She told me that I had been given gifts, but that I was using them wrong. That I wasn't supposed to be healing people, but her. When I asked for specifics and where to use my gifts, I was told to use my energy and my compassion to heal her.

Does anyone have the faintest idea of how I am supposed to do that? Keep in thought that I have been given certain talents for healing, but none for seeing what is wrong.

People, planet, gosh, it's just a matter of size! What's big and small anyway? I'm sure you can do it! I am no healer, but whenever you see a dry patch of land or a dying plant try to heal it. I don't know if that's what she meant or if she meant heal the planet by influencing people to do it.

To be honest I think the planet can heal itself if we just let it be. But~! Maybe that's not an option for now. Ah well... Just rambling...
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