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Old 16-08-2012, 04:26 AM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
I was just given a message through a medium, from... a spirit who claimed to be Mother Earth. She told me that I had been given gifts, but that I was using them wrong. That I wasn't supposed to be healing people, but her. When I asked for specifics and where to use my gifts, I was told to use my energy and my compassion to heal her.

Does anyone have the faintest idea of how I am supposed to do that? Keep in thought that I have been given certain talents for healing, but none for seeing what is wrong.

I came across an earth healing in a Global Peace Meditation, and it was awesome. I felt the energy of it and it ran through me for days. If you want to try it, go to OrinDaBen dot com, in Orin's Meditation Room and search for World Peace Meditation, or something like that. It's really amazing, and you may find how you can do this from that.

Just a thought.

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