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Old 05-07-2012, 08:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Wildflower57, That is a interesting story and the sad thing about it is that ghost only can follow old pathways-(most of the time). It maybe that Day, that time and date at every year...That's If the house hasn't been blessed. Sometimes is does not have to be the house, it could be the grounds it self.
Was the child her Son? (the one who committed suicide) Maybe she's looking for him? and found each other. or maybe they just wanting to know if everyone is happy at your new house before they too move on.

The big Thing is that you must let them go and let them move on when it is time for them to do so. They will do this them selfs when it's time, but you must not stop them.

I hope all is well in your new home and you enjoy it.
Best Regards & Blessings!
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