Thread: Psychedelics
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Old 17-08-2006, 10:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Hey Lonely traveller,

I wonder if living in the moment is more to do with being fully present and enjoying life as it is. When you realise that everything is brought into your experience by your own mind it becomes important to fully engage with and enjoy those fruits if your thinking (i.e. friends). I wonder if you wre thinking "I need to live in this moment" whilst at a deeper level your SELF was calling out for some light relief with your friends. Your SELF just wants to feel good, do what makes you feel good and your SELF will propagate this feeling by bringing along good things into your life - no effort involved because when you are enjoying something it is effortless (wu wei wu).

As for neurosis, people are only neurotic when they try to control things they believe they don't have control over....BUT by controling your thoughts and feelings you have control over your future script. Its ridiculuos to try and control the outside world, the outside world is the mirror of your soul and when was the last time you got angry at your reflection for not smiling... you need to smile yourself for your reflection to smile back at you.