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Old 19-06-2012, 01:28 PM
Morpheus Morpheus is offline
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I've pondered two things regarding all of this.

Given what we are being told in Physics, regarding Time and Space, and considering the nature of the world, pre"fall", and lifespans of people after the fall, you get the idea that the Archeologists and Geologists don't have the whole picture.

Lately, we are being informed that the solar system is entering in to a new situationin in space, regarding a charged energy field, and, also we are told in scripture that things will return to how they originally were, with respect to life span, as to immediately after the Fall.
That people will be living hundreds of years.

Regarding also, S-Word, about the continents being divided, there is the verse in Genesis, about how "in the days of Peleg, the, Earth was divided."

There is something amiss regarding time and space that is not being recognized, regarding the early Earth, and the early nature, and siituation of life, and mankind.

Quantum Physics is not getting much attention, if any, by either the Evolutionists, and the Creationists, both.
"I believe there are two sides to the phenomena known as death. This side where we live, and the other side, where we shall continue to live.
Eternity does not start with death.
We are in eternity now." - Norman Vincent Peale

"There is no place in this new kind of physics for both the field and matter, for the field is the only reality." - A. Einstein
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