Thread: Psychedelics
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Old 16-08-2006, 06:01 PM
Posts: n/a
That sounds cool, dreamer. I guess that with any new understanding, it is one thing to just hear about it and say 'oh yeah, that's good advice', and then quite another to actually incorporate it into your psyche and act on it, 24/7. Not wanting to take the thread too off-topic, but have you managed to 'realize' it, and incorporate it into your life? Has it worked?

Kundalini - I agree with what you say. Incidentally, I have been reading up a lot about psychedelics and kundalini over the last few days. There's a lot of information around that suggests that the after-effects of psychedelics very closely mimic that of a kundalini awakening. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but I thought I had had a kundalini awakening all that time, when actually it was just a drug-induced disorder. Absolutely amazing, no?!