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Old 28-05-2012, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Stillness_Speaks
I don't think it is so simple. AH also says that you have to be a vibrational match. As said here, you must believe it 100%. Thoughts are not enough, the emotions and all energy must be aligned. That is not easy imo. But if we really manage to hold 68 sec. with this 100% aligned energy, what happens when we have 746 sec. of doubt/worry about it the rest of the day? There is also another thing that perhaps can hold back miracles, it must fit other intentions and rest of the energy flowing in the universe? Lets say all of the people in village X are trying to manifest 20 beautiful white horses, that will not happen cause it will not fit in the village.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. Manifestation only occurs when everything is aligned to receive that manifestation. It wont just pop out of the blue. The best practice might be to consistently work on what you want. Generate momentum, even a little and keep meditating. At some point in your practice, you will have a fully absorbent 68 seconds focused entirely on what you want. Thus it will manifest. Also remember though that the building blocks need to be laid out first.
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