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Old 14-05-2012, 12:20 PM
Jatd Jatd is offline
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I'm going through the same thing you are right now The EXACT same thing. He was my best friend, he was the man who warmed my heart after it hade been damaged by others and froze like ice. He was beautiful and what we had was amazing. Nothing like anything I have ever had before and one day.. he vanished. Just gone. He stopped answering, calling, responding.. no explanations, nothing. Just gone. The pain was unbearable. I had no answers, no closure. This was almost 3 months ago, I am STILL mourning.
What I will tell you is this: ALLOW yourself to mourn. do NOT try and force yourself to move on. It will happen naturally. Time does lessent he pain, but be not confused because it can still come rushing back in an instant. When your heart belongs to someone else it is hard to put yourself out there, to move on, to enjoy things you used to. Here is my advice, and what I have been doing to help medicate the pain...
-Spending alot of time alone, reading, learning to play guitar, writing ... these are my outlets. I prefer to be alone because there aren't many people who want to hear me talk about whats on my heart.. so i if I can write .. it helps.
-finding boards like this.. these people DO care, because they are going through something similar. We are each other's shoulders.
-Mediate (I had never done this before) finding quiet time, clearing my mind
-exercising, this has helped alot. I walk/run 5 miles a day with music and I enjoy this more than anything! It helps me release the built up, anger, confusion, hurt. etc...
-Write him letters, but don't send them. Save them. Get off your chest the things you need to

I hope some of these things help. I am sorry you are going through this heartache ((hugs)).. pm me anytime and we can chat.
"The voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses."
e.e. cummings
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