Thread: COOKIES!!!!
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Old 02-05-2012, 06:21 PM
Usako Usako is offline
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When I created this thread it was never my intention to compare cookies and people, I was just making a point on the placement of threads...I am sorry if my comments that day offended anyone, I guess I can be quite harsh when expressing my views...well when I am not at a good place. I can be mean at times, but it's not who I truly am, I guess you are able to see that if you compare my posts from a couple of months ago to the ones in the recent days.

Thus I am taking a break from here, I asked for my account to be suspended, and it will probably start in four hours. Not that anyone will miss me now, but just a little heads up. I am thinking taking a break at least for a while is the wisest thing to do.

Maybe when I come back I'll be able to give as much as I was giving at the beginning of the year, and I truly enjoyed my time here and met many wonderful people, some I'm sure will stay long-time friends of mine. For the meantime I don't have much to give, and probably going away will be healthy for me and will help me focus on many things I should be paying attention to, and I'm already a huge procrastinator! haha

By the way, I was not the one to rate this with five stars hahaha Thanks whoever that was, and well as some have pointed out, recently imabeliever, baking is very nice and I enjoy it myself - actually I bought tons of tools and a good baking book to get into it myself. It's amazing how we can put our loving feelings into food and celebrate special occasions with them. It's also good for stressful times, and cookies do comfort me.

Thank you, and whoever was upset with my words, forgive me, it's a side of me I struggle to control, but on the inside I'm a cookie! ;)

Take Care all of you!
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