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Old 30-04-2012, 03:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Astral travelers, why aren't you fully using your ability? I've read that after you project out of your body, you just think of some place and you automatically reach there. Why not think of a wanted person, so that you automatically reach there; then you can inspect the location, wake up and inform police?

Or why not beat the challenges listed at this link:

Last I checked Astral Projection wasn't anywhere near the physical existence, but Out of Body Experiences are as well as Remote Viewing.

I think that a lot of the terminology gets mushed together with these I wont get further into semantics.

And why dont I help?

Well, generally I don't wander around out of body in the physical world far from my physical body for my own safety and I also have trouble reading and thinking clearly while I'm out of body as well since I technically have the intelligence of an animal at such times.

I would need a very basic and personal reason (or be offered some benefit) to do anything for anyone while I'm out of my body. Money or saving people or solving crimes for strangers tends not to be reason enough for me unfortunately.

Also, I think that people with Precognitive/Prophetic skills which involve visions would be far more helpfull and accurate with the kinds of help you want because they would be able to allow authorities to be ready for events *before* they happen rather than during or after as well as being able to hone in on specific types of information and communicate with people physically near them at the same time (to describe what they are seeing and have it noted down rather then APing and then forgetting half the details.)
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