Thread: The Matrix
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Old 23-04-2012, 06:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Henri77
I recall a seminar with Jean Houston , a famous consciousness researcher, and she taught spoon bending , for a fun exercise/
She wasn't able to do it, but a good number of the class could. I couldn't ...!

She felt the more education one had, the less likely one could do this... as it requires a suspension of disbelief.
Changing our subconscious beliefs is the tough-challenging part.

That's why Druids use to take children when they were young.. so the world around them still hadn't influenced their abilities.. I guess the older you are the harder it would be.. which sucks for me lol.. I want to bend spoons.. If I can do that, imagine what else I could do lol It might still be possible. In the bible Peter (was it Peter?) walked on water for a few minutes when Jesus told him he could..

I heard a theory once that Jesus was a druid and while there is quite a bit of evidence in the bible to support this, I wasn't there so how could I know? lol
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