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Old 19-04-2012, 04:05 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, it is the spiritual light that is within that will walk you through the many stories that are being presented to each of you. You are learning to trust the inner

voice as you are reunited with the whole of your spirits. Because life in its progressions offers many different possibilities for expansion and the appearances are but a

fraction of the whole of you, there have been attempts to hide you from your greater self. This was done to keep you from fully expanding into your fullness. In the

larger picture it was to teach humanity to move within the inner realms and touch the spirit as source within. What has transpired is a general mistrust of the masses

to touch deeply the inner realms, as these have been manipulated by some to confuse you and you have looked outside yourselves for answers that can only be found

within. Now is the time to reconnect with your inner realms and learn fully the truth of your creation, not the version that has been forced on you. Awareness is

gained by trusting in your divine presence, and when one chooses to ignore the inner, the outer world will continue to look chaotic and confusing. Is it any wonder that

you are all tired of the vast games foisted upon you, to keep you confined to outer awareness and therefore blind to your true brilliance. All is given in guise, to push

you beyond your comfort zones and beliefs so you can surrender to the light that will lead you beyond the appearances of the outside world. Surrender to light and

love takes away your vulnerability to those who lead by deception and your power is regained in truth. Dear ones, the old karmas are now revealing the old order and

hanging them out to be observed for what they are. Your inner cleansing helps to draw the pus from the wound, so to speak, you can no longer deny the ancient

wounds, these now need to be opened within yourselves and examined for what they are, so the rift can heal. When this is done in greater numbers, and this is already

occurring, the old order will fall away having served its purpose as a catalyst for change. Control is the old order and it has strangled the human psyche with its many

tentacles that were far reaching-yet in truth, dear ones, you were always free, you merely chose the false as your reality for a short time in cosmic reckoning, as a

fulfillment toward your divine growth. When one is healed, the struggle is forgotten and as the old wound closes, one puts its attention toward what is to come and

lets go of the pain of the past. This is where you stand at this time, on the great threshold of change, ready to forgive, then move into your true states of divine

grace, the pure place of which you belong. In the final cleansing you shall shine with such inner beauty, as the false is cast into the fires or transformation. The

beautiful symbols of the butterfly and phoenix are symbols of your rebirth into spirit from a physical illusion that has long played out but now dissolves as you gently

awaken. Hold onto your expanded awareness, dear ones, affirm that you are beings of love in every moment and let your inner light shine forth for all to see. It is the

light that negates the old dream and rouses you to full awakening. Babaji
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