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Old 23-03-2012, 01:50 PM
Posts: n/a
I have been staying away from this thread because it is such a sensitive subject, and I am sure that some people on this message board actually could benefit from this sort of self questioning.

But since you said you want an honest discussion, I'll be honest with you. I find it fascinating that even with total awareness that your situation is a mutual, two-way connection Nada, you are still looking for psychiatric explanations. Please consider that by looking for a diagnosis, you are still just looking for a way out. I second what was said earlier in the thread that it is a little bit insulting to people suffering legitimate mental illness, which is difficult enough.

Also, and I think this is why I felt a need to jump in, is that the struggle to get past the fear of mental illness is a HUGE part of this process for those of us actually dealing with true soul connections. Most of us, I assume, have already ruled out the list you put forward, as have you, I'm sure. Suggesting that there could be another, unknown mental illness causing this is a pretty desperate attempt to hang on to the idea that you do not, ultimately, need to surrender to the power of your soul's energy. You can keep fighting it if you want to, but why do you feel you need to take all of us down with you by getting us to admit we might all be delusional? I do not endorse the idea that unrelenting love, deep empathy, telepathy and other spiritual gifts are really symptoms of a secret, unknown mentall illness. Seriously?

If what you experience in life, what you see and perceive are just ordinary, explainable things; you would not be receiving the gift of a spiritual awakening. It has to defy your understanding or your consciousness will not expand. So you have a choice: let go of the 'limits of probability' that your mind is trying to force on this situation, or remain stuck within the parameters of understanding you have always relied on. Though it sounds to me, at this point, you will need to medicate or find some other means of dissociation to continue denying your new reality, so I guess it makes sense you are looking for a "treatable" diagnosis.

If I sound annoyed, it is because on this subject, I am. You have the good fortune and luxury of casually contemplating your sanity vs. the legitimacy of the experience precisely because your soul connection has been generous enough to attempt contact and tell you how he feels. I surely hope you have told him that you are struggling with making sense of it too. Or have you gone all this time letting him think that you are categorically uninterested and you simply think he his mentally disturbed?

Please consider the toll that living 25 years with these kinds of feelings, dreams, signs, telepathy, etc. while the other person denies it would take on a man. You don't have to embrace it as a delightful gift and walk into the sunset. I know you think you can be happy without him, but that is not the same as you and he being victims of hallucinations. Please show some respect and compassion, and realize that when connected at such a deep level with another person- your rigid rejection of the truth has harrowing consequences on the other's psyche. Have you ever tried anything as simple as working together with him to understand what is happening between you?
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