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Old 24-10-2010, 02:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Have you ever done mindfulness exercises?
That helped me a lot back in March.

Or you could declare "war" on your views of yourself.
eg: "I am obsessive in relationships." Antagonize it. Tell yourself for one week you'll give that person a lot of space and focus on other things.

EG: "I hate that I am so self doubting....that I have an anxiety problem" The moment you doubt yourself, go do the thing you doubt you can do anyways.

Um...when I'm scared to give a presentation in class, I purposely raise my hand to volunteer and go first. I hear, "They'll think you're weird. They'll hate you! You know you aren't good with public speaking. That's why you have no friends. You don't know how to communicate and you'll get weird looks!" and I doubt. The fear is always worse than the actually thing.

Also, try to see how you measure these things. Likability for example, how would you measure that?
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