Thread: karma
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Old 05-08-2006, 10:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Peteyzen - -

If I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion or two - -

If one is "stuck" - - it is often a case of not knowing what it is that they wish to "learn" or "discover." Where it is they would like to "go" on the Path. What do they want to "figure out." What is the next step they would like to "attain." NOT as some vague goal such as - - I want to know God - - but as a viable, knowing, recognizable step.

Secondly - - if the above cannot be determined - - then the next best thing to do is uncover a limiting belief or habit and just work on that. To free oneself from a limitation or two. In that way - - one progresses on the Path whether one believes that they are really "getting" anywhere or not.

And - - how to determine what these limitations are ??

Just watch your daily life. You run into them all the time. People just don't like them and get all grumbly about them and just shrug them off as the inconviences of life. But they're not. They are things you react negatively to. And so - - limit you. Yes - - one can just "turn themselves off" to them and become an unfeeling zombie and then consider that these limitations have been dealt with - - but they really haven't. They've just been buried.

To actually determine a real limitation - - and then to set about reshaping that facet of Self - - IS - - much of the Path. It sets you free. Then Soul naturally "rises" because of the lesser weights upon it - - weights being the karmic implications these limiting behaviors have within the emotional / causal / mental / etheric bodies themselves.

Did that make any sense at all ??