Thread: karma
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Old 04-08-2006, 02:41 PM
Ascended Master
Posts: n/a
Hi Pete

Know how you feel...

Especially where it comes to the cutesy stuff? lol

A book that helped was The Secret of Shambhalla (Excuse the spelling!) - the 11th insight in the Celestine Prophecy series?

A very true reflection of how we bring on positive or negative experiences in a karmic fashion? And it explains how to control and create them? Fascinating studies. That man James Redfield is a genius!
And he's a geezer too, so not much cutsey going on in order to put you off! lol

Then if you feel ready, the Celestine Vision is a good bolster document.
Helps to show you how there are logical scientific explanations to karma?
Which can be seen and understood, as long as you are looking through the eyes of somone who has become 'aware' of the sychronistic concept?
Which in my experience, comes with following, and then 'understanding' the Celestine series.

Not sure if you've read them or not, but the 11th insight is the third book in the series. And it'd pay to start at the beginning and work your way through.

Love and light,