Thread: help
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Old 02-08-2006, 02:46 PM
Ascended Master
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by chi chi
has anyone ever had the feeling that their arms hands and face are not their own every nite my limbs go heavy and it feels like they have grown in size same thing happens wiv my face but if i look nothing has changed duz this make any sense to anyone or is it my imagination be grateful for any feed back you could give me thnx
love chi xxxxx

Hi chi

We're all going through alot of changes at the moment, some of which are really hard to explain. It's all for the good though, so don't worry.

Sometimes at night, as others have rightly said in this chatroom, we do go off wondering at night (in spirit), so this does cause some feeling that we are 'out of body', or that our bodies feel different or lame. Even though 'we' can see through our eyes, and feel as if we are (completely) 'there'.

Afraid these are the only words of erm, 'wisdom' I can offer at this time.

With love and light,