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Old 06-02-2012, 05:27 AM
Zoclora Zoclora is offline
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Adrian- From what I know, what is made out of doesnt matter on how well it works or does it afect the ancers you get. But if you are looking for a moti use one then yes the type of stone could make a diffrence.

Cortz is good for crown and posative energies as well as bring in more pure enery. Amethst is also a good stone to use for psychic development though there is other types of stone that can do the same thing. Moldavite is another good stone to use. (If they have it in penulums) This powerfuly expands psychic awareness, channeling. It also helps with telepathic access to spiritual laws, information from higher sources.

But all in all if your not conserned with other abilaties, choose the one that speaks to you. But if you are look for one in eather thoughs stones, or others that will help you in that area, and then lay them befor you and hold each one of them. Choose the one that you feel drawn or 'atuned' to. You will feel eather a pulling feeling or a calm or at times a strong energitic feeling. But remember, dont just get any old one, get one that speaks to you. You may or may not find one in that stone that will speak to you. If so, get one that does and you will not regret it. And it is not uncommon for people to have more then one type of pedulum. Some will buy more then one, each having a diffrent job. Example one for higher self, one for guides, one for angels ect. Dont be serprized if you find your self drawn by two of them. If you cant make your mind up, I would sugest buy them bothe if you can.

Hope this helps your question

May I add, quartz points are VERY helpful. It is what helped me open my third eye, develup my psychic abilaties and also helped open my crown (with the help of my beloved Xruad)

This website has good and helpful info. (Not selling, dont own any of that) But I like to just o and look at some the stones they have on there. Hope this helps.

Bless Be<3
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