Thread: Ley lines
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Old 06-02-2012, 12:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Ohh! Yeah, your guide is correct - ley lines are sort of like flows or currents of energy, highways maybe. Convenient but not solely necessary. Whenever I do something concerning the planet itself I'd be more inclined to delve deep to the core of Her and work center-out, I don't really need highways more towards the surface to plug me in, you know? So your guide's correct.

As for power sources and a bit about what I depends on what you want to do, honestly, as to what works easiest for you. If I want to heal for example, the energies given off (output) vary from a bright green new-plant-life type of energy, to a brilliant shimmering pure-gold like energy, to a purified, sterilized cool white energy for the healing part...for removal of impurities or aggressive sicknesses it may be something else entirely, and THEN the above - but what I pull from can vary wildly. If I have more time to prepare or need more of a boost and want to do it a bit more ritualistically with physical components to help focus my intent, I'd gather my materials and use them as sources, amplifiers or focusing objects. If it's a situation that calls for fast action and rituals be damned?...I'll suck in power from everything around, with shields over those I respect and refuse to pull from to protect them from that sudden vacuum pull of energy. Quick conversion of energies, then BOOM - action, and there you have the output like I mentioned, utterly regardless of intake.

So you do it does not matter. What emotional state you are in, also does not matter. Who you are, does not matter. In energy work at its best, you are a conduit, a mover and shaper of energy. A scientist is not required to be "loving" - he's required to be a dang scientist. It's similar with this. All you want is consistent results and the output of energy you desire. The formula may vary depending on your personal methodology, but the basic concepts remain steadfast.

The reason you find many warnings and urgings to be an upright, loving, wise individual and all that is because -- and I can say this from experience -- if you handle energy irresponsibly, you and others will get hurt. If you're a jerk with a power trip, you'll hurt others and then you'll get REALLY hurt (trust me on that one). The soul does not lie, and its energy signatures beckon predictable consequences - but in the end it was never truly about morality. It's simply action and reaction, cause and effect, patterns and cycles.

So that's a bit more about what I do.
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