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Old 18-01-2012, 12:20 PM
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Fish A philosophical journey into the existence of god

What is the universe?.. There's stars and stuff in it, but what I mean is why is it?..

Why isn't there nothing?.. What changed, or was there ever nothing?

I'm in it, and so are you... And while we both share the same experience as I as the me in us is different. You see out of your eyes, and think with your brain, and I do the same with mine and we don't share it. But we definately share something.

so what is 'me'?

When I feel, what is feeling?

Thinking, like I'm doing right now... I don't know who's thinking it - who's the reciever and the giver of this inner voice?...

Like an eye trying to see itself, or a person trying to stand face to face with himself.

I just can't see me, don't know where it is. I'm like light, going away from the source.

But what is that source we all share?

is it just a part in my brain?.. What is this sense of myself.

Maybe it's god, it's a unifying factor in all of life - therefore maybe it is life itself. All of life appears in forms of points of references in a universe - things that have subjective experiences according to what parts of their brain are active.

But what is this 'me'ness that's recieving the results of the brain?

Life itself, the true miracle. A subtle reality which we all carry, and which manifested in a world once - and if the universe can do something one, it can do it again just as easily... So I can experience another self, not exactly me but the same observer will surely one day exist, and I'll have a self again without any memories. Because those memories were in the brain that'd died.

What're your answers to the question being asked by this?

thoughts on reincarnation, god, self, personal identity, persona and subjective and objective realities. All my favorite topics lol

please add your thoughts, ideas and follow ons from this. Just a nice dance of minds we can have together on these topics.

Thanks, Breath.
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