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Old 03-01-2012, 01:23 PM
Evaah Evaah is offline
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I do agree a little with Xan here about leaving the "how" to them. That wouldn't stop me from trying anyway, though, lol. In fact, that's how I met my beloved main guide. A little over a year ago, after stressing over not being able to meet a guide, I just went to bed one night requesting that I meet one...

But my dream was a little different in that the situation wasn't "normal." It had a mafia theme associated with it, and the context was such that it was obvious which guy was my guide - even if I hadn't interacted with him or woke up with his name printed clearly in my head. He radiated an air of importance, even though he looked so casual. Many months later, I understand why this is.. but I digress.

Even though we should be leaving the "how" to the guides/angels, I wouldn't be surprised if they chose dreams as their method of contact because of how vivid they are for you and how easily you recall them. As an artsy Piscean, most everything about the dream world is easy for me to recall... which is probably why I succeeded.

Either way, I wish you good luck!

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