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Old 24-12-2011, 11:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Angel Sophia, maybe you don't think Dexter is too important being a dog and all, but he is deaf, with a lot of problems, and I don't know if anyone else would want him. I saved his life, and having him is like having a handicapped child. I have a bleeding heart, but the responsibilities that come with having such a dog like this, for someone like me with limited finances, not to mention he s a bull, and I am fragile in body, is definitely karma, for the bad and for the good. I will think twice about adopting another dog with issues. (He has throat problems--can anyone shed some light about this--skin problems, anxiety/hyper problems; KIDNEY problems that require special, expensive, very fattening prescription dog food which has made him very obese. My estranged husband (who is blind) and I love him. What I can do for him, my husband can't. And what he can do for him, I can't. Ideally, I would like to have my own apartment, but I can't leave Dexter, which I think is very crazy on my part. Well, thanks for letting me vent! I know how it goes. Sometimes we tune in, and other times not.
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