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Old 13-12-2011, 09:50 AM
Posts: n/a
[quote=Lorraine Holloway-White]

Spiritualism cannot be better than natural mediumship and yet you state they are even better for messages of survival. They aren't - there is no better than a natural medium - fact. If it's me you're 'speaking' to please quote my piece - not your version of it. The 'Quote' button is there to make it easy...
They claim to 'prove' survival in their teachings and they haven't proved that all all. Oh dear - how many times will you be wrong - there's 'evidence' of survival. If one makes a claim, they must be able to substantiate it and they can with that claim. No man can. All they are 'proving', as is any medium forced or natural, is that we are getting information from somewhere. We cannot prove where. We might know it in our hearts, but knowing it isn't proving it. If anyone had proved it, there wouldn't be so many sceptics in the world and science would have shown the evidence.

We too call them spiritualist churches here, but they are scientific churches not Christian - their words not mine. So important, wouldn't you agree, to explain what you're speaking about, the country in which you live etc? Their main name is a spiritualist church, but their beliefs are of science not a Deity - this is something they don't advertise as they don't want all to realise they don't believe in God. Here in the UK it's not your way at all....That is why they talk Father/Mother God. It is words only and not meant. Many of their followers don't even realise that fact. Those points might be developed further elsewhere....

As for you assuming I know nothing of Jesus, you are very rude. Will you PLEASE read what I asked - as Dr Phil loves to say "Take a look".... The reason I mentioned Him Oh! God's a MAN then? - and all should be allowed to anywhere they want - is because I queried why they needed certificates for healing when a natural healer. I said Jesus was the greatest healer the world has ever seen and I was almost spat at and told, 'we don't mention His name her'. We don't believe in Him. Now you're just speaking about yourself again, your own experiences..You're not discussing the subject of the thread - again.
If the spiritualist movement say they don't believe in a Deity, then I don't think individual numbers are required - do you? It is their belief as a whole. Wow you're a dismissive individual, aren't you? And again you're speaking about your own situation, your own experience - not about Spiritualist philosophy. Perhaps the US doesn't have any such thing? I certainly don't see it when I'm over there as I have been half the past seven years....
You are very much a nit picker aren't you? Why go on a forum for discussion if you can't do it unless others agree with you? And don't ever tell me I don't know what I'm talking about!! A nit-picker? You submissions here are so full of holes it's hard to avoid falling into 'em. Aren't you an author? You shouldn't have a scrap of difficulty supporting and defending everything you say, countering every single point I've raised if I've got it wrong.

"And don't ever tell me I don't know what I'm talking about!! " You can't dictate what others do in a public forum. Where I believe you're wrong, I'll say so and I'll explain why. In turn you can show where I've got it wrong. You can't simply say anything you like and expect that everyone will just accept without question - it doesn't work that way on forum boards. Or maybe you expect that's wrong, unacceptable? I don't know.

Never had your books peer-reviewed, challenged, questioned? So what's different here?
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