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Old 10-12-2011, 02:46 AM
kindheart kindheart is offline
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Originally Posted by Funny How Time Flies
It's actually only a question of self identity. You made your bf a part of your self image, like Silvergirl made her son part of her self image. And now that part is missing and both of you feel robbed of something essential. So it's logical that you wish for him to come back or at least find a new one to feel complete again. But that's not a long term solution because your point of view is still the same. You need pleasing circumstances to feel good. Therefore it's going to be different places, different faces but same outcome if you should go for a new bf right now. It's most likely that you will create the same scenario over and over again. What's manifesting around you is an indicator for what is going on within you. As soon as your point of view shifts, everything else will also shift effortlessly.

If you are mentally strong, you can shift your focus easily by going general with your thoughts. If you are not so strong and easily distracted then you have to take some action. Change your daily routine, take a different route to work, hang out with different people or even move to a new place.

But no matter what you do, it's all about self identity in the end. I don't know if that makes sense so far. If you are interested I can go into more details.

Thank you :)
It's true, I did lose a part of myself when he left. I mean I still enjoy doing things, with friends and on my own. Even if I cry at night more days than not, now only cry a few minutes, and I still am capable of enjoying myself, laughing with friends or watching tv, etc. But it doesn't make my wish for us to get back together go away. I would like to learn more about defining my identity without a guy. I've actually always had a hard time finding my identity, on many levels (e.g. fashion\style (for instance, I love the punk, hippy and metal cultures, yet don't fit with either. and i need to dress professional for work, would love to have my own professional style with a "cool" twist to it, but don't got the money or don't know what i look for anyway). Even for sexual orientation: I'm bisexual, yet don't always fit in with the straight population because of it, nor with the homosexual population because i'm also attracted to men. I have many amazing friends, am loved by most people (or so I believe), yet often feel I don't belong... or don't exactly fit in. I also look very young for my age, no matter how I dress (I have a baby face and am only 4 feet 10)... I'm 28 and at least once a week I get someone asking my what grade I'm in, thinking I'm in high school. As a result I always need to work extra hard at work (I always need to interact with new people) in order to gain credibility... I always need to prove myself or else they don't take me seriously. It's frustrating. Ugh

This thread has quite deviated from my manifesting problems, sorry!
Dum Spiro Spero... As long as I breathe, I hope
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