Thread: Vibration
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Old 13-10-2010, 11:18 PM
Xan Xan is offline
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Originally Posted by Mouse
I find it hard to ignore! It can be quite a strong sensation.

Mouse... You may have a strong sensation because your kundalini is still rising but has been unconsciously blocked or resisted in some way and so has become backed up.

I suggest doing the circulating light meditation, especially focusing on the space between your solar plexus and heart center to allow the energy to flow more freely.

In addition, you could do a heart meditation to clear your energies there so the kundalini can flow on up and through. Here are two you might like: Heart Meditations -

To what end is this though? This energy starts to awaken and then...? I don't feel any different apart from the physical sensations, or do I? Maybe a bit spacier or dreamier, not sure. It's hard to know if you are changing when you are the one doing the knowing.........Everything I've read suggests that Kundalini awakening is some big dramatic event so I'm not sure what to think

Our energies become activated in order to be more of what we are as spirit beings here in human bodies. This means increasing awareness and abilities, such as deeper meditation into our true nature, out-of-body explorations and lucid dreaming, a flow of healing energies, telepathy and empathy, intuitive wisdom, creative powers, love for-no-reason and so on.

Yes, it's hard to know what's going on because it's subtle and it's new. In my own awakening process I find the support and information from spirit guides so very valuable. Spirit guide communication is another capacity that may open up in us as our subtle energies and consciousness are developing.

Kundalini awakening is not always dramatic, although that's the kind that gets people's attention most so they write about it. These days we are learning how to handle it better.

Go within, beloveds. Go deep within to the Heart of your Being.
The Truth is found there and nowhere else.-Sananda

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