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Old 09-12-2011, 09:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Dragonfly1
Not nice Juanita...
Everyone is entitled to say what they think or feel about what they are experiencing (without experiencing rudeness of any kind in response) and if they don't know or understand it, then they should feel free to ask.
And i don't think it's too much to expect respect in a reply, even if you don't agree with what the OP is writing.
Your exasperation..implies the OP is ignorant for asking about such did you become 'all knowing?'..... I apologise if I come across 'rude' to you, but these kinds of responses to people wanting to get information,are entirely uneccessary. Try some humility....have you ever thought, that what you believe could be entirely wrong?.....

Dragonfly, I do apologize if I came through sounding rude.....I let my exasperation show through I guess.......I didn't mean to sound rude--I just wanted to be "clear"........
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