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Old 13-10-2010, 10:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Cat Not that good at living...

Maybe you are not that good at jokes, but you seem to be so strong in what concerns your spirituality and will to embrace Life and Love in its every forms. I believe a truly spiritual person is funny and joyful by herself, just by drawing her inner love and spreading peace and serenity to every alive being. You do not need to be good at jokes, at all.

I'm not that good at living. I am always demanding, stressed, I don't think I am the kind of person that others enjoy to be with. I'm not that good with dealing with my emotional charge. I am not that good at letting go. I am not that good at accepting and dealing with loss, pain and frustration. I was that kind of person for whom life had to be perfect and linear. I have learned sometimes perfection comes in circles. Not in a linear, predictable way.

Love, Ligh & Guidance
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