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Old 01-11-2011, 02:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Neville
It occurs to me that there is something of a risk of creating both distinctions and divisions where there may be in fact none...

Well said Neville - however I think that knife cuts both ways.

If our analysis may be at fault, might not our failure to analyze also be at fault?

Modern particle physics and Quantum Mechanics teaches us that what we thought of as discreet electrons, neutrons, etc, are actually 'local energy events' that are FAR more complex than originally conceived. None the less, even with primitive electron theory we were able to originate the technology that enables us to converse on this internet forum.

So, though in many ways our descriptions of phenomena are severely lacking, there are definite advantages to breaking the large problems down into smaller parts so we can more readily glimpse their inner workings. At the same time, there are great advantages to taking the larger gestalt as a whole.

ALL phenomena can be looked at in this way. There will be those who study things by trying to break them down, and those who study by examining the whole - both have their appropriate place, both have their advantages.
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