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Old 28-10-2011, 08:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by norseman
Here is a neat twist. A US court has been asked to grant constitutional rights to killer whales who perform in marine parks. P.E.T.A. is accusing Sea World Parks of keeping 5 whales in conditions which violate the 13th Amendment which bans slavery.

Priceless and fabulously eccentric ! I hope they win their case. Damages to be awarded in fish presumably

Yeah go PETA, yay!

Or maybe not. Point being PETA is not the beneficent organization they seem to be -- Not to mention, couldn't the sheer amount of money they are spending on this frivolous gesture go to more useful areas? Finding more homes for strays so they don't have to be killed? Creating more no-kill shelters for the same purpose? I worked in an animal shelter, as a vet tech and was part of the humane society -- I can tell you that no-kill shelters are not that common and many more are needed -- Much more than a show-case trial for whales.
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