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Old 23-10-2011, 12:40 PM
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Stealing Physical Body????

Originally Posted by Spiritual*Journey
...Walk-ins can also be were the soul could just steal someone's body.That's most likely to happen if the soul really needs to get into a body...

I've never heard of walk-ins being a situation where a spirit could 'steal someone's body.'

I noticed the Beyond Religion is trademarked. Is this information from this source? Can a link be provided?

Originally Posted by Spiritual*Journey
Crazy things about Walk-ins,and soul exchanges.Are if you were to ever go into a body that's different from the usual bodies you go into.Is that you wont really know how to control the body you would panic. Thoughts would be rushing.Everything would feel very awkward.It implies also for souls that never were humans that become humans.They would be moving very weirdly like in a waving motion such as there arm would wave they would have abnormal movements wich could be fast or very slow.The soul in the body would look around looking very confused.It depends on the soul,because each ones different.Some are stronger than others.

This is some very curious information that veers from other things I’ve read about walk ins. It doesn’t make sense that a soul would panic when entering a different body. This has the uncomfortable feeling of fear mongering. Is this speculation or from actual experience?

The information about ‘souls that never were humans that become humans’ ‘moving very weirdly like in a waving motion such as there arm would wave they would have abnormal movements wich could be fast or very slow.The soul in the body would look around looking very confused.’ is even more contradicted by MANY sources that have said that countless lightworkers are here from elsewhere who aren’t human. Is this from observation or speculation?
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