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Old 07-10-2010, 10:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Everyone

This thread has took off since the last time I looked. Lots of interesting reads.

lostgirl I agree in that they don't really understand wicca and the main principals. However they may still learn from this later. We all look back on things we did when we were young and realised how thoughtless or selfish we might have been. The people you were talking about sound very young, they sound like they may be in their teens? 15 possibly or not much older, if they are then they certainly have a lot of growing up to do. I think they can still learn lessons from this without necessary understanding wicca. Maybe the lessons themselves will bring them to a better understanding of wicca. And I also believe that people can go on making the same mistakes life after life

Talking about the divine essence learning something or evaluating the past life, which I think is what you were talking about John? the divine essence being that which was seeded within each soul when the soul was first born. So of course the essence of our soul will already know everything, if we managed to fully access this, this is when our souls would be able to sense and access the divine. The essence of our soul is able to evaluate everything we do and is able to evaluate everything we learn.

I sometimes try to think of the soul in a simplistic way - kind of like an onion with the essence being at the centre and the outer layer being closer to the physical body, what and how we learn may eventually start to vibrate with the souls essence - I don't know if this makes any sense. Anyway in relation to the girls you were talking about - even seemingly small actions such as theirs may be something that they need to go through to learn, possibly to even learn a little bit more compassion for others, who knows.......... Is everything we do related to a higher understanding, again who the hell knows, that would just boggle my head.
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