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Old 09-10-2011, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by HiItsJustMeAgain
Hi guys,

I don't know is this the right section to write about this but since there are these topics about reincarnation...

I just would like to know is there others out there who have always felt old? And I really mean always as even as a child? Is there anybody else here who has this feeling that you actually hope your life is the last life on earth because you just... I don't know... feel you're bored? That you have seen it all already? That you hope that after this life you could get back home, what ever that home is? I mean I'm definitely not saying that I wouldn't love to be alife and here living my life right now, or not taking my life as a gift because that it definitely is, but just... I kind of hope this is my last one. That during this life I'm able to do those things I feel I still need to do and after that I could leave and move on to something new...

Does this make any sense to anyone?

Hi. Yeah, I always felt old, even as a child. And I've hoped that this is my last life on earth -- not that I have problems with the Earth herself... but some of the PEOPLE! (Ye Gods ) Not so much that I usually feel bored (though it happens on occasion) more just exhausted, exasperated, tired. Though I know this isn't hoing to be my last life here *sigh*.

Originally Posted by Illumine
When I was younger, I used to get frustrated having to go to school because on the inside I felt that I should already be past that, that I was much older than my body. I've always been quite a mature person but I didn't give it much thought, though I did read on some website a while back, a long list of points that could mean you're an old soul and most of them fitted me, plus, it just feels 'right' to me, like it is true and I somehow know it on the inside.

Been there, done that. In fact, despite not being considered "younger" quite like I was then; still there, still doing that.

Originally Posted by muireannrose
This makes sense to me. As a child I used to feel old, and even now I feel old, sometimes ancient. I used to tell my mother when I was little that I couldn't do it all again meaning I was just too tired to come back again. Those are still my sentiments.

Whoa, I used to use that exact same sentence to describe how I felt -- I still do on occasion when I feel like it's rough going.

Originally Posted by Silvergirl
Yeah, seeing things differently from what seems like the majority can be a painful challenge because (we're told) that we're social creatures and have a primal need to 'belong'. Yet we're not exactly herd creatures. I guess feeling better might involve learning / training yourself to appreciate your uniqueness.

Part of what I used to think was my problem is that I'm NOT a social creature. Now that I realize that's okay, it's all good. 'Course not everyone agrees with my sentiments. ;-)

Originally Posted by HiItsJustMeAgain
Well that's really interesting!!! You see I have had this weirdest (=craziest) feeling that I have actually lived in the future........ Is that possible too?? I mean like I said earlier I love new technology. I always want to have the newest in technology and I sometimes have had this repeating dream in which I was living in a very futuristic looking city and it felt so familiar, like a home. I also often, when something new is invented, seem to think that hmmm finally, like that something should have been invented ages ago, like I already know how to use that... I also have some fears towards "modern", now existing inventions. I feel like our technology is partially outdated, even the newest one. For example cars. I absolutely refuse to drive because it is ridiculously dangerous. I have never understood why people are willing to drive voluntarily and in my head I have always had this clearest picture of a transportation system that is 100% safe, automatic, and no driving needed. That seems to be my normal, how things are, even though they aren't...

Yeah, that's totally possible. Especially because time is just an illusion anyway. Or you could be having left over feelings from someplace like Atlantis. Or you could be what Doreen Virtue calls "starpeople". Or you could be trans-dimensional, or... you get the point. yeah, for all I like old cars, cars are really dangerous and I never thought they were a good method of transportation.

Originally Posted by Trieah
. Couldn't get into the whole school thing growing up. It always just felt like I already knew everything I really needed to know. Of course that not exactly true if anyone really wants to get ahead in this day and age. But I really don't have any desire to actively participate in all these technological advances.

I agree wholeheartedly, and I distrust technology immensely.

Originally Posted by Greenslade
Actually Neville, you're closer than you think. Throughout history there has been a group of Souls that have been incarnate in order to help mankind along a little bit or simply 'monitor' things. They were present in Atlantis, they have been known as the Tuatha de Danaan, the Aesir and a few more. There are also prominent figures such as Odin, King Arthur and Qetzlcoatl.

Going back to the OP the feelings of having been on this earth so long is what is termed an 'Old Soul'. Being an Old Soul isn't about brownie points as many would like to tell you it is, it merely means a Soul that has been round the block a few times. There are a few tell-tale signs and there are a few of these Old Souls on this thread. Feeling old is one of the signs. Old Souls also recognise their 'own'.

True that. :-) Though, technically all souls are the same age -- some just are more aware of the oldness and some have spent more time in other "realities" than this one.

Originally Posted by skygazer
It's as though I'm equipped with echolocation for finding all the chaos there is to be had.
I know it must be a test, and I continue to fail, but the Universe being what it is, offers it up to me again and again.

Sure, it's a test. But you can't possibly fail because there is no right or wrong. Often it's you or the universe asking you if you are sure about who/what you are and what your intentions are. Sometimes it's reminding you that you can choose to live your Highest Truth or choose not to. Sometimes it's getting lost in the illusion of life or caught up in lower vibrations. Stay strong and centered in who you are. :-)

The thing that seems to be most helpful to me is to usually act like I'm four, except when I absolutely feel like I MUST act like I'm ninety-four.
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