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Old 30-09-2011, 04:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Humm
Ah, earthatic (love that name! ), I think I begin to see where you are coming from.

I have to admit I have not experienced what you describe to the extent that you do, but then I tend to set a general goal and then let the astral reveal to me what it wants.

Your concern seems to be overtly about form, but to me the astral is really all about connection and process. To me, the form, the actions, the events - EVERY element of the experience IS the message, and the message can have many levels and ancillary meanings, depending on the perspective I take in various stages of reflection.

That is an interesting way of looking at it! I am talking about the form being abstract and ever changing, but for what purpose is it done this way?

For example, did you endeavor to manifest an old man to explain the 'Metas' to you? I doubt you determined the specifics there, though that is the kind of thing I would expect if I had asked for a guide or a teaching - and that seemed to be a stable enough experience for you. Your experiments in manifestation are very interesting, but IMO such experiences are really the province of lucid dreaming or just dream play.

The old man had a scruffy white beard and long white hair, but he looked youthful for some reason.

I'll explain in detail what happened. When I exited my body, I decided to stand by my window and observe what was going on outside of my home ...instead of exploring like I usually do. I felt spaced out as I stood watching for a few minutes. I didn't see anything interesting. Suddenly my window became larger and I felt insecure because I was no longer concealed and had no privacy. Next thing I know, I am in a moving car sitting next to a girl with wet hair and a man who was driving in the front. I opened the car door and saw the concrete passing very fast, but I jumped out anyway.
I felt threatened as the car followed me closely down the street as if it was trying to run me over. So I jumped on top of a car in a parking lot. The car stopped, and the two individuals walked out. The girl literally jumped up toward me and I caught her in my arms as if she already assumed I was going to catch her, and I immediately recognized her as a very troublesome entity who's been bothering me for a long time. Her face was close to mine and she said "You're holding me very tightly.".
I then thought out loud "What am I supposed to be doing right now?", I turned to the man and asked him "How do I get rid of negative astral beings?" We were walking side by side as I was carrying the girl and he responded "There are no real astral beings. Technically, you cannot get rid of them. None of your attempts have worked, and it doesn't matter if you are a Buddhist, Hindu, or Christian. There (or they) are only 'Metas'." (I have been recently thinking about the similarities between different religions). He was speaking quickly and I thought he said "minutes". He went on "They're called 'Metas'. These dreams are metaprogramming. The feeling of situations being real or fake is just an illusion." I was then put back into my body, and was unsure of what he really meant by using the term 'meta', so I looked up the definition. What he said makes a lot of sense and it definitely describes the nature of the astral. This goes with something I heard a while ago when a being told me something about people being given answers to questions in their dreams, but it is too abstract for them to understand.


What is the astral to you? What is the significance of it - it's purpose? IME, how I look at something has a lot to do with how I see it.

It's a very mysterious place to say the least. Communication and emotions can feel extremely deep and intense. Experiences can be very profound. It's true nature is obscure. I guess wondering what it's purpose serves is the same as wondering what the purpose physical reality serves. The reason for it being here simply must be for us to experience it and learn from it. ^^
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