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Old 22-09-2011, 10:29 PM
Posts: n/a
I gravitated toward the term "lightworker" from the first time I heard it. My friends and I started to study psychic phenomena when we were n 7th grade, picked up Tarot when we were in 9th grade, and continued to learn all the way through HS and college (after which we wound up moving to several different places). Along the way, we tried to use our knowledge to do positive things. We took it upon ourselves to remove a few negative entities that we found causing problems in certain locales (particularly in one case where two of us got attacked for no discernible reason).

All in all, what we did was lightwork, only this was the late 70s/early 80s when the word wasn't in common use yet. So when I finally saw the term for the first time, I thought. "So there's an actual name for what we were doing. Great!"
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